Tuesday, February 11, 2020

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Monday, May 18, 2009

I am blogging!! But who the KA KA cares?!?!?!

Well I finally did it - I am blogging. I guess it is about time I jumped on the bandwagon.
Not sure exactly where these ramblings will take me, but I really need a place for me to vent my griefs......
A lot is happening right now in my life and in the lives of those around me. It is a very trying and interesting time. But I am a firm believer that all things happen for a reason, and that EVERYTHING that we go through helps shape us into the people we are. It is up to us to make sure things - no matter how bad they seem at the time - effect us in a positive way and not negatively.
I am just "getting" this. And I am just now really seeing the truth in the fact that although I cannot change other people's actions, MY REaction to their actions is fully in my control.
I can still be baffled at how people can be so selfish - caring only about themselves with no sense of gratitude. But it is up to me to not let it affect my life and my emotions.
I am focusing on my immediate family and enjoying my kids and husband. Life is too short to let other people's attitudes and actions directly effect my life.
Thank you to my 5 year old son for my new mantra - "Who the Ka Ka cares?!?!?!?!"